Training courses
We offer training in working with Autodesk software products: Revit, Civil 3D, Navisworks.
The education program provides for the training of specialists in the field of design and construction, who own the tools of Autodesk software products.
The construction industry is moving forward and changing in line with modern technology. The digital transformation of the construction industry is already putting forward requirements for specialists in the field of design, construction and operation of facilities. New competencies are no longer a luxury, but a basic qualification requirement for an organization during certification in accordance with Resolution No. 25 of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus.
Successful completion of the training will allow you to work with architectural and construction projects at a professional level, create and manage a digital BIM model, master the tools of geodetic and cartographic projects.

Studying programs
- architects and designers
- engineering communications designers
- BIM coordinators and BIM managers
- students
Knowledge of Revit tools for BIM design and modeling, development of a project in the form of a single digital model containing accurate data and automatically generated drawings, BIM model management, creation of families, preparation of an analytical model for subsequent use in calculation systems, collaboration with a coordination model and verification on collision
- design specialists
- BIM coordinators and BIM managers
- representatives of construction organizations and maintenance services
For designers: effectively coordinate project files, conduct complex analysis and identify conflicts and intersections, check for collisions.
For representatives of construction organizations and maintenance service: simulate the construction process, fill the model with operational data and effectively use the model at any stage of the life cycle of an object.
- architects and designers
- topographers, geodesists and geologists
- designers of roads and master plans
- engineering network designers
Tools and methods for creating a digital elevation model (DEM) and solving problems of land design of areal and linear structures. Surface analysis, design of linear objects in plan, transverse and longitudinal profiles of linear objects, sites, creation and designation of sites, vertical leveling of the relief, storm and domestic sewer pipeline networks
Drafting a DWG Standard
Assistance in the drafting of a DWG standard uncluding the specifics of the enterprise and the current culture of developing project documentation.
The drafting of the standard involves the regulation of working with styles of text, dimension lines and callouts, the unification of the use of scales, the use of layers for each division.
It is proposed to develop template files, on the basis of which drawings will be developed, taking into account the requirements of the DWG standard.
Organization of advanced training courses for AutoCAD (advanced level) to master new tools that contribute to the most complete implementation of the DWG Standard